Youth Group Travels to Oaxaca

WINSTED — Members of the First Church of Winsted youth group traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico, last month on a mission to help less fortunate children, paint houses, see historic architecture and learn about a completely different culture.

"We went down to work at an orphanage for a week at Casa Hogar in Oaxaca to work with the kids," said Courtney Toomey, 15, who was one of 19 youths, including her 16-year-old sister, Jessica, and four adults who took part in the mission.

Casa Hogar is a children’s home run by Carol and Francisco Marin. The orphanage raises children in a family environment, focusing on physical and spiritual growth. The organization Simply Smiles ( funds the orphanage.

Caring for 80 children, Casa Hogar is the only facility in the region that accepts children with special needs, ranging from blindness and deafness to polio and cerebral palsy.

"There were children from newborn to 18," said Toomey. Once children turn 18 they can stay and help at the orphanage or go to school. "They get new kids all the time. Some of the kids are there because their parents don’t have enough money to take care of them."

While there was a language barrier, members of the youth group found ways to relate to the children quickly. "It was easier to communicate than we thought it would be," Toomey said. "When we first got there we didn’t know what to expect, but being able to talk with the kids and interact with them was awesome." Simple gestures such as pointing to a soccer ball to start a game made the trip fun. The youth group coordinated a different activity and craft project with the children each day.

Comforts from home such as hot running water and separate sleeping quarters were missed, but members of the youth group grew fond of their new friends. "The worst part about it was leaving," Toomey said. "It was so hard saying goodbye to the kids. It was really sad, but it was definitely worth all the time that I was there."

Days of having an actual pen pal are long gone with the accessibility of computers and e-mail, even in an orphanage, and Toomey said she was excited about the opportunity to remain in contact with the children via the Internet. "They just got 10 brand new computers down there for the kids. Through the Web site they can do an e-mail exchange and talk to the kids."

Toomey plans to log on regularly to catch up with the children.

While she enjoyed her trip, Toomey did recall one thing that was less than desirable — the McDonald’s in Mexico.

"It’s not good. Everything there has a different taste to it," she said.

But that won’t keep her from signing up to go back to Oaxaca next year. "Everyone loved being there and everyone wants to go back next year."

Each year the church’s youth group takes a trip with every other year being a larger trip. Previous trips have been to Puerto Rico and Boston. Toomey said the church members have already discussed returning and staying for a longer session to build houses.

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